Top 5 Reasons to Travel to The Bahamas in 2020

1. Support Hurricane Dorian Relief

Yes, the Bahamas is still open for business and consists of over 700 islands spread out over 100,000 square miles of ocean. While two of the northernmost islands were devastated by Hurricane Dorian in September 2019, the rest of the country was unaffected and is welcoming travelers with (sun-kissed) open arms! The economy of The Bahamas greatly relies on tourism, so one of the best things you can do to support their hurricane relief efforts is continue to visit their beautiful country.

2. Check out the “Big City”: Nassau, the capital and adjacent Paradise Island offer a range of resorts with a popular cruise port

While in Nassau, there are opportunities to try authentic Bahamian foods, such as fresh conch salad (like a conch ceviche) or sip on their version of a rum punch called a Goombay Smash! A personal favorite stop for me is to The Straw Market. It’s your typical market where you may be heckled, but part of the fun is bartering and searching out authentic, handmade souvenirs.

3. Swim with the pigs in the Exumas

If you’re a James Bond fan, you may be familiar with the Exumas – Thunderball Grotto is a Grotto located in the Exumas and got its name from the 1965 James Bond spy film Thunderball, which was shot there. Similarly, fans of The Bachelor reality TV show are familiar with the swimming pigs in the Exumas. Visitors bring food scraps and drive a boat through the crystal clear water up to the white sand beach and the pigs are lured out to the water by the sound of the boat motors for a tasty feast. There is nothing quite like it in the world, even for an Iowa girl.

4. Visit the “Nantucket” of the Caribbean: Harbour Island

Harbour Island is only 3.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide and is located off the tip of Northern Eleuthera. The island has been pegged the “Nantucket” of the Caribbean for the colorful New England-style architecture. The island is a magnet for the rich and famous and is world famous for its three-mile-long Pink Sands Beach. A personal favorite is bar hopping around the world-class resorts along the Pink Sands Beach for a peak into each resort.

5. Adventure your way around Andros

As the largest Bahamian island, Andros offers adventure aplenty. Aside from the deserted beaches, there are freshwater lakes, attracting eco-travelers. From kayaking to bird watching to snorkeling and fishing, adventure seekers won’t be disappointed! I enjoyed visiting “blue holes” while visiting, as Andros has more than 200 blue holes.

Authored by Annie Hills, Marketing Manager at Travel Leaders / Destinations Unlimited, who has been frequently visiting various islands in The Bahamas for the last 20 years. To learn more about a vacation to The Bahamas, contact Travel Leaders / Destinations Unlimited.

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