BLOG: Consolidate your Transient Travel with Meetings and Events
Has your organization consolidated transient business travel with meetings & events? If not, you could be missing out on savings opportunities and operational efficiencies.
Consider the travel suppliers utilized by both departments. Is there overlap? Would consolidating the spend of your transient travel with that of meetings & events improve your leverage when negotiating with your suppliers? Are you leaving savings on the table?
Technology is another area to look at. Are your transient business travelers using an online booking tool like Concur that the meetings & events department could utilize, but currently is not? How complex are the meetings & events your organization puts together? Even if they’re relatively simple, your group may be spending an exorbitant amount of time manually handling the sourcing, booking, and tracking/managing of your multi room bookings. They may not be aware that much of that time-consuming work can now be automated with new technology like Groupize, which can be integrated with Concur.
Travel management is now at a place where consolidating transient travel with meetings & events is easier than ever. Data analytics is giving visibility into both departments’ spend and there’s now technology that can be shared by both groups. Contact Travel Leaders / Destinations Unlimited to learn more.
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